Tag Archives: bukidnon

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LOOK: Candidates in IMPASUGONG BUKIDNON for elections 2019

FULL and official list of candidates in Impasugong, Bukidnon for the 2019 elections. These Impasugong, Bukidnon candidates officially filed their certificates of candidacy and they will be part of elections 2019, which will take place on May 13, 2019. Candidates for IMPASUGONG, Bukidnon mayor UY, ANTHONY (BUKIDNON

kaamulan festival 2018 tribal olympics

Kaamulan Festival 2018 Ethnic Tribal Olympics

The Kaamulan Festival is an annual gathering of the 7 hill tribes of Bukidnon. This means that while there may be musical events, celebrities, band shows and all those modern events during Kaamulan, let’s not forget our indigenous brothers and sisters. This Bukidnon festival is

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