Tag Archives: bukidnon website

Sandigan dismisses perjury case versus Neric Acosta, mom Coring

The Sandiganbayan 5th Division has dismissed the perjury charges filed against former Bukidnon First District Congressman and current Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) general manager Neric Acosta and his mother, former Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon mayor Socorro Acosta. Sandiganbayan’s resolution says that the evidence is insufficient

kaamulan 2016 bukidnon

Kaamulan Festival 2016 Bukidnon

Barely 5 months after Kaamulan Festival 2015, Bukidnon is again set to celebrate Kaamulan 2016! The annual Bukidnon festival, recognized by a former Tourism Secretary as the only authentic ethnic festival in the Philippines, aims to gather the seven hill tribes of the Province of

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