Tag Archives: bukidnon online

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New cyber hangout for Kibawe residents

PROVINCE OF BUKIDNON – A new online forum has recently been set up in an effort to unite all previous and current residents of the Municipality of Kibawe, Bukidnon. The new cyber hangout, which can be accessed via KIBAWE, features a message board, a shoutbox/tag

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For Georgia: An Ode to Bukidnon

It’s a toss between Savannah and Manhattan. Who’d ever want to leave Savannah, with its plantations and idyllic country life? You wake up to the sound of the birds chirping at your window and to the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from the kitchen.

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Of Books and Schools in Bukidnon

While the province of Bukidnon has 48 public high schools and 15 colleges and universities, education remains a concern especially with the lack of relevant infrastructure particularly computers. In fact, as of November this year, only five of the province’s high schools have access to

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Bukidnon Hymn

BUKIDNON MY HOME Wherever I may roam the distant land to see I long to go back soon to sweet Bukidnon home.Klook.com Her lovely mountains high her forest old and grand bring memories to me the home I long to see. There my heart, yearns

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