Repost: Join and win delicious Sumilao Farm corn coffee! (for those who joined, please leave URLs here)

Hello everyone – especially to the members of the Bukidnon Bloggers Group! Here’s a great chance for you to try healthy and delicious corn coffee for FREE! Just join this cool and easy Bukidnon Online contest 🙂 All you have to do is answer this very simple question:

“Why do you want to try corn coffee?”

Super duper simple, yes? 🙂 You can answer it as briefly or as lengthily as you like! A minimum of one (1) sentence please 😉

The sponsors will randomly pick five (5) winners who will win two (2) packs of Sumilao Corn Coffee each!

Bukidnon Online will also randomly pick ten (10) winners who will receive a special keychain 🙂


– only residents of the Philippines are eligible to join this contest (this means that you need not be based in Bukidnon…as long as you’re based in the Philippines, then you’re eligible to join!)
– if you’re declared one of the winners, you must provide your full name, address and mobile number (for delivery or coordination purposes)


– “LIKE” the official Bukidnon Online Facebook Page and the official Sumilao Corn Coffee Facebook Page [this is a REQUIREMENT]

– Simply BLOG your answer to the question we posted above. You have two ways to blog:

1. You can use your own blog (if you don’t have one, then this is the perfect time for you to start one! 🙂 )

2. Or you can use the micro-blogging tool Twitter to share your answer to the question

– Use the title “Why I want to try Sumilao Corn Coffee”

– You must also include the link to Sumilao Corn Coffee’s website —

– You must also include the link to Bukidnon Online —

– You can also use THIS PHOTO for your entry (or choose from the photos from Sumilao Farm’s website)

– Jazz up your entry! 🙂

Pretty easy thing to do, right?

Please leave a comment below as well to let us know that you joined this cool contest!

Fake or questionable Facebook accounts will be disqualified. (We will check if the email address you supplied us with matches your profile in the Facebook Pages of Bukidnon Online and Sumilao Corn Coffee)

Contest starts today, February 19, 2011 (Saturday) and ends on March 3, 2011 (Thursday) MIDNIGHT.

The winner will be announced on March 4, 2011 (Friday) — a day before the big Kaamulan 2011 Ethnic Street Dancing Competition (enough time for you to visit the OTOP Pavilion booth at the Kaamulan and check our the Sumilao Corn Coffee booth for yourself!)

All valid entries will be included in a “manually conducted raffle” (i.e. we’ll print all the names of those with valid entries and will have someone draw out the lucky winner).

Decision of the contest organizer is final.

Thank you to Sumilao Agri-Enterprise for making this possible.

Why decaf when there’s caffeine-free? Try Sumilao Corn Coffee today — it’s natural and organic, too!


About Sumilao Corn Coffee – it is made from carefully selected organic sida-sida kernels, the local name of the native yellow corn in Bukidnon, Sumilao. Health benefits of Sumilao Corn Coffee come from its “untouched” organic corn, ensuring you that no harmful chemicals from fertilizers, pesticides, or gene enhancers enter your body with every cup. Each cup of Sumilao Corn Coffee is a commitment to a healthier self, to support our local Filipino farmers, and to promote sustainable and natural farming for a better planet. The product is contained in an environment-friendly box and packed in a sealed foil containing 200 grams of Sumilao Corn Coffee grounds.

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