Donations for Impasug-ong barangay now accepted
IMPASUG-ONG BUKIDNON NEWS | SOCIETY | CAMPUS – If you recall, Bukidnon Online wrote something about the 1st ever Soapbox Derby in Bukidnon, which was held at the Municipality of Impasug-ong particularly at Barangay Capitan Bayong. That 1st ever Bukidnon soapbox derby was led by our fellow Bukidnon Bloggers Group member, Bukidnon Outdoors! The event was held in an effort to raise funds for the construction of a reading center for Capitan Bayong, Impasugong. Well, it’s been 3 months since that event and now the organizers have very good news!
Bukidnon Outdoors writes: “Construction is underway!”
“The plan to construct a reading center in Capitan Bayong was hatched to provide literacy skills to people, young and old, who like to read and are interested in learning how to read,” Bukidnon Outdoors wrote.
The organizers have a lot of plans for this special reading center and they’re hoping that YOU can be a part of it!
If anyone is interested to donate old computers, books, audio CDs, DVD movies and other literature, please feel free to contact Bukidnon Outdoors. Please read more about this
HERE. You can find their contact email plus initial pictures of the construction works can be found there.
Congratulations Bukidnon Outdoors! 🙂
Meanwhile, if you want to contact the Bukidnon Bloggers Group, please SEND US A MESSAGE here.
Again, kudos to Bukidnon Outdoors!