Category Archives: Personal

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The fun-filled Firefox 4 Launch Party in Bukidnon

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON EVENTS | TECHNOLOGY – It was the day Mozilla Firefox 4 bedazzled several Bukidnon web surfers! Just a few days ago, Bukidnon Online, the lead convenor of the Bukidnon Bloggers Group and organizer of the first ever blogging 101 workshop in

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Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon a huge success!

BUKIDNON ONLINE | TECHNOLOGY | COMMUNITY SERVICE | EVENTS | FEATURES | EXCLUSIVES – The first ever Google Mapping Party for Bukidnon (and in Bukidnon!), which was held last April 27, 2011 at Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, was a resounding success with more than 25 volunteer

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