Category Archives: Government

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Malitbog Bukidnon becomes home of world’s longest painting

MALITBOG BUKIDNON | BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS | FEATURES – The Municipality of Malitbog in the Province of Bukidnon is now the home of the world’s longest painting. This is definitely good news for Bukidnon tourism! The longest painting in the world entitled “Fishes

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Valencia City mayor Leandro Catarata 3rd poorest?

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON ONLINE – Do you think Valencia City Mayor Leandro Catarata is the third poorest mayor in Mindanao? Yes? No? Why? An article recently written by Carolyn Arguillas caught this Bukidnon blogger’s eye. In her article, she wrote that incumbent Valencia City

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