Category Archives: Food

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What to buy in Bukidnon: Pine-yema!

If you have a sweet tooth and absolutely love yema, then you won’t be disappointed with Bukidnon Online‘s newest find: Pine-Yema! By the name alone, you’d know what it is – yema with tasty pineapple bits. Yum! Or should I say, yummy yema! 🙂 Recommended

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DTI cites NM Food Products as Outstanding MSME in Bukidnon

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) named the NM Food Products, maker of traditional Bukidnon banana chips and taro crackers, as Outstanding Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) in Bukidnon. In an interview, Nestor Manuel, owner of NM Food Products said the trade started with

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Bukidnon election watch: I-report mo sa!

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | SOCIETY | TECHNOLOGY | SERVICE – In an effort to help Bukidnon voters air grievances/complaints, share photos, videos, text reports or messages related to the May 10, 2010 elections,, your Bukidnon community blog, has decided

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