Category Archives: Damulog

kaamulan 2016 bukidnon

UPDATED: Kaamulan Festival 2016 schedule of activities Bukidnon

The Kaamulan Festival 2016 schedule is here! Yes, it’s Kaamulan Festival time once again. Just in case you’re confused, this yearly Bukidnon festival was moved twice (August in 2014 to coincide with the Bukidnon Centennial Celebration, October in 2015 to coincide with Indigenous Peoples Day).

kaamulan 2015 street dancing

PHOTOS: Kaamulan Festival 2015 Ethnic Street Dancing

Here are some photos taken during the Kaamulan 2015 Ethnic Street Dancing Competition, held today, October 24, 2015, at Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. The Kaamulan 2015 street dancing is one of, if not the, most awaited events every year during this Bukidnon festival, which is a

kaamulan festival 2015

Kaamulan Festival 2015 Bukidnon Schedule of Activities

Kaamulan 2015 update! The Kaamulan Festival 2015 schedule of activities is finally out. Kaamulan Festival, a yearly festival that aims to gather Bukidnon’s 7 hill tribes, is usually held every March but in 2014, the Kaamulan Festival was held in August so that it would

Photos: Malaybalay Capitol Grounds ready for Kaamulan 2014

KAAMULAN FESTIVAL 2014 – Bukidnon Online, along with some fellow Bukidnon Bloggers group members, visited the Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City recently to see how ready the site is for the much-awaited Kaamulan Festival 2014. As you all know, the Capitol Grounds will again play host

Kaamulan Festival 2014 Schedule of Activities UPDATED

Kaamulan 2014 update. Kaamulan Festival 2014 Schedule of Activities – please SHARE this 2014 Kaamulan Festival schedule by clicking one of the buttons above. Just in case you haven’t heard, the Kaamulan 2014 in Bukidnon has been moved to August. For more Kaamulan 2014 festival

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