Bukidnon Election Watch: elected officials in Malaybalay City

BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | POLITICS | ELECTIONS – BukidnonOnline.com, your Bukidnon community blog, will publish partial and unofficial results as they become available. This is our way of keeping everyone informed with the updates in Bukidnon in relation to the May 10, 2010 elections. Again, may we reiterate that the results published here are partial and unofficial.

This is our way of extending public service to Bukidnon residents.

Although these officials-elect are still unproclaimed, the latest count in Malaybalay City reveal the following winners:


For Malaybalay City Mayor:

ZUBIRI, Ignacio W.

For Malaybalay City Vice Mayor:


For Malaybalay City Councilors:

1 AGNE, Reynaldo S. 4,326
2 ALIMA, Gabriel P. 12,739
3 BARROSO, Anthony Canuto G. 18,441
4 CARBAJAL, Clarita C. 15,166
5 CASANOVA, Bob Roberto T. 21,361
6 DAMASCO, George D. 19,626
7 DANIOT, Rolando P. 10,202
8 DETICIO, Roland F. 24,422
9 DINLAYAN, Lorenzo, Jr, L. 22,245
10 EMPERADO, Edgar P. 2,159
11 ESTANIEL, Jose Medardo M. 15,929
12 ESTRADA, Burt M. 15,742
13 FERNANDEZ, Alexander M. 4,576
14 GALVADORES, Francisco C. 5,389
15 GELLOR, Jaime Jr P. 17,958
16 JUROLAN, Ayala Monique E. 3,700
17 JUROLAN, Justocio C. 7,457
18 LABADO, Nestor D. 1,220
19 MARAMARA, Melchor P. 21,023
20 MELENDEZ, Fernando O. 20,048

21 MONSANTO, Hollis C. 14,299
22 NIERE , Rodrigo O. 16,683
23 PABILLARAN, Jay Warren R. 27,103
24 PEPITO, Crispin G. 6,953
25 ROSOS, Mya Analene D. 18,780
26 RUBIO, Tita Perla E. 18,750

27 SUMBONGAN, Renato S. 6,607
28 TORTOLA, Louel M. 14,723
29 VALCORZA, Melvyn C. 5,857
30 VALIENTE, Bonifacio G. 17,641
31 VILLAMAYOR, Edgardo C. 4,607
32 VILLEGAS, Paul Vincent G. 4,855

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