All posts by Bukidnon Online

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Bukidnon: How to Get a Good Home Equity Loan

Loans are indispensable to a lot of individuals. This is true to majority of people who would work on the given conditions of loaning. Loans generally finance certain needs and wants that are indispensable for the moment. Yet, they must always be within the limits

Audrey Zubiri pregnant with third child

The year 2014 truly brought happy news to the Zubiri household. Audrey Tan-Zubiri, wife of former Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri, announced over the weekend that she is pregnant with baby number 3. “Round 3! Here we go again!,” she wrote on her personal Facebook page.

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Happy New Year, Bukidnon!

Happy New Year, Bukidnon! It’s been quite a busy, exciting and challenging 2013. Thank you all very much for continuing to support this Bukidnon blog. Can you believe Bukidnon Online has been “online” for nearly 7 years now? I fervently hope that you will all

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