Tag Archives: bukidnon festival

kaamulan 2015 rodeo

Photos: Kaamulan Festival 2015 Rodeo

Still a crowd drawer. That’s the recently concluded Kaamulan Festival 2015 Rodeo competition. The Grandstand area in Malaybalay City, where the rodeo was held, was not as packed as last year but the spectators (and I’m pretty sure the participating Bukidnon cowboys as well) looked

kaamulan 2015 malaybalay bukidnon

Photos: Kaamulan Festival 2015 preps

The month-long Kaamulan Festival 2015 celebration has begun and if you’re a regular visitor or reveler, you may notice a lot of changes – including the fact that the bulk of the activities for this year are now being conducted at the Grandstand, Malaybalay City,

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