Category Archives: Kaamulan Festival

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Kaamulan Jam 2009 “Lock and Load Battle of the Bands”

In consonance with the celebration of the Kaamulan Festival 2009, a huge event dubbed “Kaamulan Jam 2009 LOCK AND LOAD Battle of the Bands” will be held from February 23 to 28, 2009 at the Capitol Stage, Capitol Grounds, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. Kaamulan Jam 2009

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Live blogging: Kaamulan Ethnic Street Dancing 2008

Friday, 07 March 2008 Taking notes and writing them down in real time plus taking photos from a strategic point along Fortich Street, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon – the very same highway where the street dancing will take place! The fun starts on March 8, 2008!

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Kaamulan – A Gathering!

Kaamulan is an indigenous Bukidnon term for “gathering” for any purpose. It can mean a datuship ritual, a wedding ceremony, a thanksgiving festival during harvest time, a peace pact, or all of these together. The Kaamulan Festival, by far the only authentic festival left in

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Bukidnon’s Indigenous People’s Community

The Province of Bukidnon’s Indigenous People (IP) community can be identified into two ethnical origins – the Manobo and the Bukidnon. The Bukidnons have distinct physical characteristics. They usually have slight build bodies, slanting eyelets, relatively high noses with lips that range from medium and

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Visiting Bukidnon? Here’s how to get to Bukidnon. Treat this as your easy Bukidnon travel guide! If you want to visit Bukidnon soon, here are ways to reach Bukidnon. Here’s how to travel to Bukidnon. The Province of Bukidnon, Philippines is a landlocked area. Hence,

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