Category Archives: Festival

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Bukidnon election watch: I-report mo sa!

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON NEWS | BUKIDNON UPDATES | SOCIETY | TECHNOLOGY | SERVICE – In an effort to help Bukidnon voters air grievances/complaints, share photos, videos, text reports or messages related to the May 10, 2010 elections,, your Bukidnon community blog, has decided

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Photos: Rico Blanco rocks Kaamulan Festival 2010

KAAMULAN FESTIVAL 2010 | BUKIDNON NEWS | ENTERTAINMENT | MUSIC – Hitmaker, talented singer, former Rivermaya band member and composer Rico Blanco recently headlined a concert held during the Kaamulan Festival 2010 celebration. Rico performed before tens of thousands of people during Saturday night’s concert

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Spotted: Bukidnon First Lady Vicky Zubiri, daughter Stephanie et al

BUKIDNON ONLINE | BUKIDNON BLOG | SOCIETY | PERSONALITIES – Bukidnon First Lady Vicky Zubiri was spotted during the Kaamulan Festival 2010 Ethnic Street Dancing Competition today at the Capitol Grounds. Madame Vicky, Bukidnon Governor Jose Zubiri’s wife, looked beautiful and happy while watching the

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